セテス&フレン外伝 海の見える場所 An Ocean View
Western Church extremists have taken over land sacred to Cichol, one of the Four Saints. Seteth heads out the rid the area of them, and Flayn insists on going along.
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
フレン: お兄様、お待ちになって!
Flayn: Brother, please wait!
セテス: いい加減に聞き分けてくれ、フレン。
Seteth: For the last time, Flayn, the answer is no.
フレン: だって、ロディ海岸に行くのでしょう?わたくしだって、行きたいですもの!
Flayn: You are departing for the Rhodos Coast, are you not? I must come!
セテス: 私は何も墓参りに行くのではない。教団の任務として、戦いに行くのだ。
Seteth: You will do no such thing. I am not going there to pay respects at the cemetery, but to do battle. With you there, I will be beside myself with worry. It will be easier for me to fight if I know you are safe.
フレン: でも、でも……。
Flayn: But...I must!
フレン: ……あら、先生!ちょうどいいところに!
Flayn: Professor! You have come at just the right time.
Choice 1: どうしたの? What's going on?
フレン: 今、ここに先生がいらっしゃったのは、偶然ではなく、運命……! ですわよ?
Flayn: Surely it must be fate that you have appeared at a time of my greatest need!
Choice 2: 嫌な予感が…… I don't like the sound of that...
フレン: またまた、そんなこと仰らないで?ちょこっと、お願いがあるだけですのよ?
Flayn: I only wish to make a small request.
フレン: これから、お兄様は、とっても危険な任務に向かわれるのですけれど……
Flayn: My dear brother is about to set forth on a most dangerous mission.
Byleth: 任務? A mission?
セテス: ああ。西方教会の連中が、教団の聖地を勝手に占拠しようとしているらしいのだ。
Seteth: Indeed. The Western Church is attempting to seize sacred ground by force. Though they now have a new bishop, it seems that a radical faction has emerged to resist the new order.
セテス: 新たな司教を立てたはいいが、それに反発する一派が過激になってしまってな。
セテス: 今や西方教会は、思想を異にするばかりか、捨て置けぬ危険な存在に成り下がってな。
セテス: あの地には聖遺物も保管されている。それを奪われては厄介なことになる。
Seteth: We cannot allow the holy artifacts enshrined there to fall into their hands.
フレン: わたくしだって教団のお役に立ちたいし、お兄様のことも心配ですし……
Flayn: I, too, wish to be of use to the church! And I do admit I am terribly worried about my brother. No matter my protests, he will not allow me to come. Professor, this is where you can help. Will you accompany us both on this expedition?
Byleth: なぜ自分が……? Why me?
フレン: 先生がわたくしの近くにいてくださるなら、お兄様も安心しますでしょ?
Flayn: If you are there to protect me, my brother's fears will be allayed. Isn't that right, Brother?
セテス: 確かに……君が来てくれるなら、私としても助かるが……。
Seteth: I suppose your aid would indeed be useful, yes.
フレン: ね、先生!是非、ご同行をお願いいたしますわ!
Flayn: I knew it! Please, Professor, will you join us?
Choice 1: 承知した(外伝戦闘へ) Very well. (Begin Paralogue battle)
フレン: 嬉しい!では早速、出発しましょう!
Flayn: Wonderful. Let us depart at once!
Choice 2: 他に用事が(準備に戻る)Not right now. (Return to previous screen)
フレン: ま! では早く用事を済ましてらして。そうすれば一緒に行けますでしょ?
Flayn: Please tend to your errands promptly. Then you will come along with us, yes?
セテス: 出発までには、まだ少しある。もし都合がつくようなら私に声をかけてくれ。
Seteth: There is still time before we must depart. If you are able to accompany us, let me know.
司祭: 我らの神を冒涜する異端者どもめ、聖なる海岸は我ら西方教会のものだ!
Priest: You heretics, who defile our goddess! The sacred coast belongs to us, the Western Church!
セテス: 異端は貴方がただ!直ちにここから立ち去れ!
Seteth: You are the heretics! Begone from here at once!
司祭: 黙れ、背教者の右腕め!我らが正義の刃を受けるがいい!
Priest: Silence, dog of the apostate! Prepare to receive our righteous blades!
セテス: 私は石碑を奪還する。他の者は、周辺の敵を排除してくれ。
Seteth: I will recapture the monument. Everyone else should focus on removing the surrounding enemies.
フレン: 待って、お兄様!わたくしも一緒に参りますわ!
Flayn: Wait, Brother! I shall accompany you!
フレン: 立ち去りなさい!お母様を静かに眠らせてあげて……!
Flayn: Leave! Let Mother rest in peace!
vs 司祭(右下)
司祭: 聖キッホルを祀るのが私たちの使命!異端者どもには近寄らせません!
Priest: It is our duty to worship Saint Cichol! We will not allow heretics to come near!
司祭: どうして……私は……女神様のために……
Priest: It's like the goddess herself commanded me to live... I must offer her my thanks.
vs 司祭(右上)
司祭: 主の加護は我らにあり!貴様らになど屈するものか!
Priest: The goddess protects us! We will never yield to the likes of you!
司祭: 主は……我らを見捨てたもうたか……
Priest: Goddess... Have you abandoned us?
vs 司祭(石碑前)
司祭: 異端者どもめ!女神の僕たる我らの力、思い知るがいい!
Priest: Heretics! Prepare to taste the power of the true servants of the goddess!
Priest: I got away, thanks to the protection of the goddess!
司祭: 中央の奴らには……敵わぬのか……?同志よ……今は、退け……
Priest: We're no match for them... Brothers... Retreat...
Priest: But it was...for the sake of the goddess...
セテス: まだ罪を重ねるつもりか……!逃がしてはならん! 討つのだ!
Seteth: Do you dare compound your crimes further? There will be no escape for you!
Seteth: Insufferable arrogance! We'll have to send someone after them...
Seteth: The goddess doesn't want your thanks!
セテス: この地を奪われるわけにはいかんのだ……。後を頼むぞ……。
Seteth: I must pull back... I leave the rest to you. Do not let them take this position.
フレン: ここはわたくしたちにとって大切な場所……。どうか、守ってくださいませ……。
Flayn: This place... is very precious to me... please... protected it... for me...
セテス: ……終わったな。フレン、石碑に花冠を供えに行くか?
Seteth: That is the last of them. Flayn...will you place some flowers at the monument?
フレン: もちろんですわ、お兄様。わたくし、そのために来たんですもの。
Flayn: Of course, Brother. That is what I came here to do.
Coast | Daytime
セテス: ……協力に感謝する。これに懲りて、西方教会も二度と手は出すまいが……。
Seteth: Your assistance is most appreciated. I can only hope that the Western Church will now see reason and abandon this place. But just to be safe, I have retrieved the holy artifacts. We cannot risk them falling into their hands. I will entrust them to you. I must confess, despite the situation, it was a pleasure to return here. This coast has a certain sentimental significance to my sister and me.
Byleth: 特別? Sentimental significance?
セテス: ああ。ここに建てられている石碑は、聖キッホルの記念碑であると共に……
Seteth: Yes. This stone monument is not merely here to commemorate Saint Cichol.
It is also the grave of my wife.
フレン: お母様……もう大丈夫ですわよ。どうぞ、安らかにお眠りください……。
Flayn: You are safe now, Mother. Finally, you may find peace.
Byleth: 母親もここに? Your mother is also buried here?
セテス: ……Byleth、君にだけは話しておこう。
Seteth: I suppose you have earned the right to know. But this must remain between us. Flayn is actually my daughter. My late wife and her mother are the same person.
Choice 1: 知らなかった I had no idea.
セテス: ……事情があってな。公には妹ということにしていたのだ。
Seteth: Due to certain...circumstances, it is more convenient for us to masquerade as siblings for the time being.
Choice 2: 薄々気づいていた I suspected as much.
セテス: ……そ、そうか?誰にも気づかれていないと思っていたが。
Seteth: And here I thought we had hidden it skillfully.
セテス: フレンは特別な血を持つがゆえに常に命を狙われる身……。
Seteth: There are many who would seek to harm Flayn due to the unique blood she bears.
Falsifying her identity is necessary to conceal her from such individuals.
Mercifully, I happen to look quite young for my age. We make rather convincing siblings, do we not?
Choice 1: 確かに That's true enough.
Choice 2: 微妙ではあるが If you say so.
セテス: ……そうか?そこは自信があったのだが……。
Seteth: Hm. I was certain our cover was adequate.
フレン: この海岸はお母様のお気に入りでしたの。わたくしもよく、一緒に来ましたのよ?
Flayn: Mother loved the coast so much. She and I came here together often.
Fishing was her favorite pastime. I used to sit and watch while she cast her line.
セテス: ははは、そうだったな。釣った魚を食べるのも大好きだったろう?
Seteth: I remember it fondly. You did so love to eat the fish she caught, as well.
フレン: ええ、もちろん! おかげで今でも、お魚料理が大好きですのよ?
Flayn: Fish is my favorite food, it is true. Due in no small part to Mother.
セテス: 私もここで、妻から釣りを教わって、今でもたまに釣り糸を垂らしているよ。
Seteth: I still come here to fish, from time to time, using the skills my wife taught me. It reminds me how deeply I appreciate those years... and how I wish I could return to them.
フレン: 戻れませんわよ、お父様。だから、今を一生懸命生きなきゃダメ、ですわ。
Flayn: We cannot turn back the clock, Father. We must live our lives fully, in the present moment.
セテス: ふふ、「今を一生懸命生きなさい」か。妻がよく言っていた言葉だ。
Seteth: You're right. That is what she always said, isn't it? Dwell too much on the past, and you may be unable to move forward. Come, then. Let us return home.
フレン: また、お花の冠を供えに参りますわね、お母様……。
Flayn: Good-bye, Mother. I love you. I shall bring flowers again for you next time.